Clinics We Offer

Treatment Room
A team of nurses, health care assistants and phlebotomist provide a range of services for:
- immunisations
- blood tests
- health checks
- blood pressure testing
- cervical smears
- contraceptive pill checks
They run clinics for:
- asthma
- diabetes - please click here for information on our Group Clinics pilot
- heart disease

All the doctors give advice on contraception. All consultations are confidential, regardless of age. If you need emergency contraception you can phone to make an appointment.
It is important to keep up to date with your immunisations to avoid serious illnesses. You can make an appointment for the treatment room or come to one of these clinics:
- Baby and Child Immunisations: We will invite your child to attend when they reach the age for their immunisation
- Flu jabs - we will invite you to attend for a flu immunisation if you are aged over 65 or have an illness that would be made worse if you caught flu

Drugs and Alcohol Services
If you feel you have any problems about drink or drugs your doctor may be able to refer you on to specialist services. The practice follows the South Bristol Methadone protocol where all patients receiving methadone on prescription must see a Drugs Worker.
Drugs Workers from Bristol Drugs Project hold regular clinic sessions at the surgery to see our patients who need their support.

Priory Surgery are starting to run Diabetic Group Clinics Please see links for further information. Patient FAQs - FINAL.docx